Whether you’re baking your own brand of bread, or producing private label goods, Master Tape Printers can supply the labels you need to make your baked goods ready for store shelves.
Commercial bakery labels are not just colorful labels designed to attract customers, there are strict FDA food labeling criteria that baked goods product labels need to meet. There are guidelines on what information needs to be included on a label and where. Here is a “food labeling guide” from the FDA updated January 2013 to help you determine what you will need on your labels. Please be aware that there may have been revisions to the FDA document since this posting.
Applications for Commercial Bakery Labels
Commercial Bakery labels come in a variety of sizes, shapes and colors. They are used in diverse applications in the baking industry. They can deliver a variety of valuable information, drawing the consumer’s attention to the product and bringing clarity on pricing, brand information, promotional specials, bar codes, and ingredients. Bakery Labels have many functions and placements:
- colorful, eye-catching front labels
- back-of-package or front-of-package with detailed nutritional info
- wrap-around to close a package
- FDA package labeling requirements
Special shapes can be used to highlight products and add appeal to stock packaging containers. Self-adhesive Instant Redemption Coupons (“IRC”) can provide on-pack discounts, rebates, and promotions. IRCs can be an economical addition to the customer’s existing packaging for added value.